How to choose the right flooring for your home

What Type Of Flooring Is Best?

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The type of flooring you choose for your home could make a significant difference in the appearance and finishing of your home.

Flooring can enhance the look and overall value of your home. Choosing which type of flooring is best for you depends on your lifestyle and needs.

This is our guide to flooring types

Ceramic Tile

When in need of flooring that requires waterproofing, ceramic tile is a good alternative. Ceramic is great for high traffic areas and great for clean up if you have animals or children. Ceramic tile could be used as floor tiles, indoors, or as countertops. It is available in non-slip options which are great in kitchens and bathrooms. Some types of ceramic tiles with high gloss finish do tend to scratch over the time but the matte options hold up great.

Cons: Do consider that grout can be difficult to keep clean.


Hardwood Flooring

Hardwood floors are the most popular type of flooring as they are classic and durable. The variety that wood flooring comes in is a huge advantage when it comes to finding your style. This type of flooring provides a long-lasting product, wear resistant surface that could be refinished if necessary.

Cons: Certain types of hardwood flooring might darken with age and some others could shrink and expand creating gaps in the floor surface. These floors can also be changed easier than other types of floor as all it takes is sanding and staining as opposed to tearing them out.

Laminate Flooring

If you are on a budget, one of the cheaper options when it comes to flooring types is laminate flooring. Laminate flooring is very easy to install and maintain and it provides a strong, durable surface that can resist burns, scratches, and chips. It is an excellent solution for high traffic areas, resembles natural materials and comes in a wide range of colors and designs. The latest upgrades in laminate flooring has made the product much more realistic in texture and options.

Cons: A drawback is that laminate flooring is that it cannot be refinished and can be scratched easily.

Marble Flooring

Marble tiles are one of the most durable and versatile tiles to use. They can be used for your floors, walls, and hallway columns. These tiles are easily cleaned and maintained. They are also very easy to engrave with stylish textures and designs that suit your artistic tastes.

Marble tiles make an elegant foyer and come in many colors. It comes in a wide range of colors and variations and is used in such things as sculpture as well as architecture and a building material for thousands of years, but its main use is in flooring.

Cons: The main issue when it comes to marble is how expensive installation is. It is also very difficult to replace it when it becomes dated.

Bamboo Flooring

One of the latest additions to flooring types is bamboo flooring. Bamboo is considered a more environmentally friendly solution when compared to traditional flooring materials and provides a strong, clean surface. Bamboo flooring is durable, elegant and comes in a variety of colors usually ranging from honey brown to light tan.

Cons: Bamboo flooring could darken over time or when exposed to sunlight. Bamboo flooring should not be left wet as it can easily stain and warp.

Whether you are remodeling a home or buying a new home, Comerio Homes can go over all of these options with you and help you choose the best fit for your home. We will discuss all of these products with you to ensure that your house is truly home.

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